The Underwriting for Racial Justice Lender Pilot Program

Beneficial State Foundation has launched the Underwriting for Racial Justice Lender Pilot Program, a U.S.-based program committed to increasing lending to people of color.  The selected lenders are participating in training and discussions together to share challenges, successes, and ideas.

Program Elements

The two-year program is designed as a Community of Practice with peer lenders. Together the group will share results, challenges, learnings, and successes. We will disseminate findings and promote participating lenders to catalyze industry-wide impact. Resources include access to a state-of-the-art predictive analysis, custom impact reporting and a credit decision management platform. We will also share tools, templates, training, and consultation support.

Catalyzing Racial Justice Together

The financial industry can help close the racial wealth gap and has a responsibility to help move our country to full racial and economic justice. To catalyze industry-wide change, it takes committed people and institutions working together to learn, un-learn, test, and share their experiences to improve outcomes for all. It takes lenders of all types—banks, credit unions, CDFIs, mortgage lenders—and people of all races and ethnicities to come together to do this work.

Learn More

Pilot Program Information Session

View the recording of the information session that introduced the Lender Pilot Program. Topics include the pilot initiative, along with the perks and commitments for those who joined.

Program Guide

Take a look at the Lender Pilot Program guide that outlines the program parameters, including all the benefits and expectations for participating institutions.

Download Presentation Slides

View or download the slides presented at the Lender Pilot Program introduction meeting to learn more about aspects of the program.


We are here to answer any questions you may have. Contact us via email to ask a question or to be added to the list to join us at our next URJ working group meeting, where we discuss racial justice in the finance industry.