End fossil fuel finance for a cleaner, brighter future for all

This is a climate emergency. We’re stopping the money pipeline to end fossil fuel finance and redirect the flow of money toward a just, inclusive, regenerative economy. Our collective survival requires a new financial system that adheres to a triple-bottom-line of people, planet, and financial resiliency.

The Stop the Money Pipeline movement demands that banks, asset managers, insurance companies, and institutional investors stop funding, insuring and investing in climate destruction. We join as banking systems change leaders seeking a new way of banking that does not perpetuate environmental racism or harm our planet. We believe banks have a key role to play in building a more resilient society as our planet warms.

As we work to divest banks from fossil fuels, we offer good banks as a solution in the right here, right now. We advocate for structural banking reforms that mandate banks to be a finance tool for good, including holding banks accountable for climate-related risks. 

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