Equitable Bank Standards

We envision

A just economy powered by socially, racially, and environmentally equitable banking.

The future of banking

By shifting mindsets, models, and practices, the business of banking can—and must—radically transform. 

We imagine a banking system of tomorrow that is purpose-driven with a clear duty to serve all people and our planet. The financial success of banks is tied directly to their impacts on the community, not only to shareholder return. Banks have a core duty to invest in making communities healthier, safer, and more resilient. Banks do not invest in extractive industries or practices that threaten our collective wellbeing, committing to “do no harm.” 

Borrowers and savers, especially those previously excluded from the banking system, can fully access non-predatory banking services to build wealth and increase financial health.  Customers respect their banks because they are treated with empathy and are better off after each interaction. Banks are transparent about their business practices and they treat workers fairly and with dignity. People trust their banks because banks are directly accountable to the public.  

Banks have acknowledged the inequitable ways they have distributed resources throughout history and how their actions have negatively impacted communities targeted by oppression. They correct for past injustices. An anti-oppression framework informs their governance, lending and investments, operational practices, products and services, and corporate citizenship. They are incentivized to lend in a way that improves society, and they are penalized when they cause harm to communities. By design, they are social changemakers, while they also responsibly safeguard peoples’ money. 

 A just economy requires this better way of banking. 

We believe in a future where banks nourish our communities—not extract from them. Let’s create this future together.

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